Cerámica Lola


Cerámica Lola

Cerámica Lola


About us

Ceramics is a craft where creativity, technique and experience are essential for the development of the work.

As an interior architect, Lola values the value of our own material such as ceramics, applying her knowledge and experience to all her artistic projects.

La precisión, la maestría, el oficio y el legado de un gran maestro como Guillermo Moreno Moreno son las reseñas de identidad de Cerámica Lola, observándose gran influencia de su pasión por este oficio en sus obras.

They are handmade works using the traditional ceramic method and techniques that go through a creative process with their own style, and therefore full of originality and uniqueness.

In Cerámica Lola, design, craftsmanship and business collaborate with innovation and knowledge of ceramics; for this reason it is essential to have a continuous study and training in this beautiful craft.

Lola Jódar has been working in this beautiful craft since 2014, recognised as a craftswoman by the Junta de Andalucía.

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